Saturday, March 12, 2011

Losing an hour?

So tonight is daylight savings, for most this means losing an hour of sleep, for me, this means the kids are up at 4am, instead of their usual 5am, and with Mike gone, it's been a pretty grueling week of getting up early with these kids and being "on" for them for about 16 hours straight!

Now, don't get me wrong, I love the time to myself at night, but by the time I settle down, I am so tired, I can't even keep my eyes open, and end up falling asleep watching a program I have been trying to see for three days...the list of things that need to be done swirls in my brain, keeping my thoughts racing like speedway....clean the bathroom, finish the laundry, vacuum...

I have been cleaning all day in between my "moments" of freedom, although today was such a waste of a day, between trying to find dealerships for cars, and cleaning the house, I settled into spending time with the kids having them help me paint a coat rack thatI've had since christmas...

It started off great until Zachary decided he wanted to join in, and so the war over the paint brush began and it ended up all over Zachary's face..I might add, the other war`mate today was me, Landon wanted no part in fighting over the brush, obviously the kid had figured out before me, that it was going to end badly!

So, we only finished part of it, before the kids decided they wanted popcorn, and so to keep them busy I let them eat the three bags with nacho cheese dinner time, Landon told me he was sick to his stomach and didn't want dinner, Popcorn was good enough...I felt no better then our "18" year old babysitter who normally feeds the kids popcorn and chocolate pudding for dinner, so I followed it up by telling him he at least had to eat a piece of cheese...
There...mother's duties done for the night....

I let them stay up until 8pm, which is so rare, but I was thinking to my morning and hoping for an extra moments of shut eye because they stayed up later...we'll see how this plan works out...

I vow to get to the gym tomorrow...or Monday...but I miss my classes, my routine and with my folks here I was only able to get in about 3 classes, and my body is starting to feel like mush!

I had enjoyed my parents visit so much, first time with no bickering, in fact, I was so sad to see them leave, I truly wanted them to stay longer...the kids were feeling it too, poor Landon was so sad, but he powered through it, and so I took them to Chuck E. Cheese to get their mind off the lack of people in the house...

Zachary still wakes up looking for Papa and Pipi (these are his own nicknames for my folks...."Yes, Sir") although on the last day before they left, he actually asked for Grammy! As if calling her by the right name might have allowed them to stay a little longer...poor kid, he's at that stage where he knows so much, but still does not comprehend time, and space, or that we will be having his other grandparents here this week, so the house won't be quiet for long. It's all about the "now"... and when he answers you, it's a "yes, sir", even if your a "mam", my mom gets such a kick out this, and it is quite funny to hear him try and be so grown up on this little pip squeak!

We spent the last night playing the game of "trouble", we had so much fun, esp. when Landon seriously got up from the table because I sent him "home". He cried in his room until my dad went in to get him and explain, the idea of winning, and it's just a game...

Normally when we play with Mike, he fully understands the idea of losing, but I think he was so overly sensitive about my parents leaving, I felt bad, so on the last round, my mom sent my dad "Home", and my dad jokingly gets up and goes into Landon's room pulling a "tantrum", and Landon so sweetly tells him, "its OK, he can still win", and lines up all my dads pegs so he can win! It was so sweet, how he tried to console my dad, even though he was joking!

It's in these moments that I feel I am teaching my son something right! That maybe I am not having an epic fail as a mom! That maybe, just maybe I might be getting something right!

Then there is the disaster of mother nature.. and this is a blog for a whole 'nother day! I am in shock and awe, and my heart is going out to everyone in Japan, the pictures are just insane. I couldn't even imagine. And then I am hoping its not the start of something as stated in revelations, esp. as the moon is upon us next week, shaking up the earths balance...

...again, this is all for another I want to close my eyes, sleep soundly, and not think about all the things I have to do starting tomorrow!