What's more intriguing is the greenery, the earth encompassing the stone, as if letting the materials made by man, mark it's territory...Literally.
And there I stand, caught in moment, which to the onlooker could mean so many things, but in my head, at the moment could have been, "Crap, my leg itches, hence me grabbing my skirt,"... or "wait, don't take the picture yet, I have the sun in my eyes...".... but to the lens you see an ethereal moment... like so many do....and that my friends it what makes the "window" to the soul so exhilarating!
I have found these "little windows" all throughout NWA...and I have found to learn to love it... Yes, I finally said it... shh..... don't tell my secret... I might be outed as a traitor! :)
The saying goes that you adapt to your surroundings eventually, and I have fought... and I am not sure when the moment came, but yes, my friends, it came.... on my quest to find everything wrong with this place, I started to find the good....
NOW...don't get me wrong... I am still the waverly traveler... still out and about on my city vacations, still getting into trouble along the way and wrecking havoc on every person along the way... it's what I do... but at the end of the day, I look forward to coming home to my little small town, my little cow pastures, my little security.....
At what point did it all change? I can't say for sure....
I guess when you spend so much energy fighting something you either throw in the the towel and except defeat, or find a way to make it work in your favor....
I found that way... I got involved with my children's school's, Charity event's, beefed up my business accounts, and most of all, decided to let go and have fun....
Along the way I made a few enemies, and great friends. Life would be boring if I didn't make both right? And most importantly, I wouldn't be true to myself.
My husband has tried for 15 years to try and convince me I can't change the world, I guess one day I woke up and realized, he's right, but I can sure make it pretty! And I can always try... either you are with me or against me, and well, I apologize to those that can't handle the ride.....
I know I am a handful. I get that I am quirky, and demanding, crazy, and downright different, but as a very dear friend said to me recently...those that know and truly love me...know that this is "normal"...and anything else would be "weird"....
For Christmas my niece gave this to me....
It's a quote from Dr. Seuss. I think it's very fitting. It reminds me that no matter what... I need to be myself... I have been in my own skin for 30+ years, and I need to take ownership of that.
God gave me the Grace and gift to have my feet hit the sand...where I choose to place my feet and how I choose to leave my footprints, are the path I choose.....
So, here I am, taking ownership of my mistakes, looking forward to a future of the time I have here in the Ozarks, missing very much the City, but knowing, it's just a plane ride away....