I signed up Landon for preschool and received a bulletin from the parish as part of the registration. In a small box was written: "Music teacher needed for elementary school, Call.....", now have you ever been so overwhelmed by something you actually felt it spoke to you? I felt as if this ad were printed for my eyes only! So I call, and the principal tells me the position is possibly filled, she already has a candidate, we proceed to speak for a long time on the phone and come to find out all the things, places and living adventures we have in common.
I've thought nothing of this from this point on, I realized it was a whim, a part of my sub-conscience wanting to over do things like I always do....Besides, I have a lot going on right now, with moving, recording, traveling....
Like a nagging hang nail on your toe, these thoughts came flooding in about finding a church down south like Mike suggested, possibly actually REALLY looking for a teaching job again, wanting to join a choir....it was literally NAGGING!
So Thursday I receive a call, the boys and I were napping and I heard the machine pick up. I recognize the principals voice but it's muffled so I chalk it to her calling to say she has already filled the position. I drift back into a deep sleep and enjoy the precious moment that both boys are cuddled up in my arms for a peaceful nap.
I finally come around to checking the answering machine and it about 4:45. I listen to the message and the principal tells me that she really wants to pursue things with me and she would love for me to come in for an interview, but she'll be there until 5pm. I reluctantly pick up the phone, return the call, casually I set up an interview for the next morning, she said I could bring the kids! Outside the next door neighbor introduces himself and I ask if his girls are home, he said they were out of town but would be back that night, I mention I need a babysitter for the following morning and he immediately gets on the phone and makes it happen!!!!
I am now panicked because my resume looks like crap, I have nothing to show professionally and I have been out of loop for 4 years! I tell my brother how things are going , he tells me to just email him my resume and he'll edit it for me. I find the portfolio I had put together years ago of all my music classes and theatre performances....do you know how long I had been looking for this thing? And now here it is in front of face! By the time I received my resume back from my brother it looks like I've conquered the world! It's the most professional my resume has ever looked! My brother comments that it took him 4 hours to edit, because I have done A LOT! I cant thank him enough for helping me out!
The story basically goes as follows, I got the job! On the spot! Am I a bit overwhelmed? Absolutely! But as I sat there and repeated the strange occurrence to everyone that would listen, I got overwhelmingly excited. I understand this was completely part of God's plan, because when it's HIS will, everything always falls into place so easily! And with the life that I have led, I always follow my heart, meditate on the right decision and listen to the answers that pursue.
God's will will never steer you wrong! I looked back in the bulletin to see about that ad again, yes its still there, no miraculous "deja vu", but I still believe it was written for my eyes only!
Arkansas is....proving to be OK for right now! Thanks God!
The Ozarks are fitting you nicely! I'm so excited for you!!!
ReplyDeleteWe'll see.. still an ongoing process..so far, I've joined soccer, now looking into the minivan thing...If I'm not careful I might become Stepfordized before this is all through!