Monday, December 26, 2011

It's been too long....

I promise in the "New Year" not to make resolutions or promises I can't keep. For so long I boycotted giving in to this new life here in this desolate area...then through all the betrayal, rejection, hurt and tears, something magical happened...I WOKE UP! I came out a stronger woman, stronger than I ever thought I could be. I have survived so much loss and tragedy in my life but nothing stings like the kind where you put your trust and heart in places you know will get ripped apart, only to be right!

In the end, when I made the choice to face my fears, and come out on the other side for the sake of my family, I let the revenge, the hurt and the animosity go, a wonderful thing happened....I truly found out what kind of woman God intended me to be. I was about to make my own dreams come true, and for the first time find out what it's like to finally cross off that "goal list", the idea was to have it done by a certain happens, and when I gave up on the "time" and focused on "goal", I realized it didn't matter when it happened, all that mattered, was that it did!

The most valuable lesson that sunk in this year from after seeing the "Polar Express" for the gazillionth time (as this is my boys favorite movie), and the concept, is that anything is possible..."if you just believe"! So I began to believe in myself which is something I have been working on for years, and the moment it finally happened, I could literally see God's miracles at hand.....

It's a plan, not a promise, but an idea to write about these experiences so others will hopefully learn from mistakes my mistakes and figure out how to find their inner strength so they (you) too may start crossing off things from that list..... up....signing off for now~