Thursday, January 13, 2011

13 days and counting....

13 days into the new year....
13 days with out a cigarette.....
I'd like to say 13 days without wine, but I've gone only maybe 10...
13 days of eating greens, fasting, and drinking at least 100 oz of water a day....
13 days of sitting on the couch having no motivation to do anything.....

So....seriously, whoever said that quitting smoking and going on a cleanse was going to make me feel better totally lied, I can't find the motivation to get my butt into any routine. I was much more active when I was smoking, and drinking, and living life on the edge!

I've gained weight, despite the fact that my husband went and bought us and exercise video for us to do every night, and so now, I am slowly finding myself the past two nights in a fit of frenzy trying to get through the "three miles" at home walk.

I can do this....I just need to dive into rehearsals which start today and keep myself busy. Keep my mind occupied. It was so easy last week when I was car shopping, I was out all day, didn't think about anything, went to the gym in the morning, then off to look at cars, this week...LAZY!!!'s to motivation.....let's find it.

Let's get it!

I refuse to let this get the better of me.....

...and I refuse to be like Mike eating dessert everyday as my replacement for my smokes. Although it doesn't help when he calls and asks to take me lunch on the days I commit to dieting, I can never refuse a meal and a dessert!

Ok, kids are begging for attention now, so off to get some milk for them, and make some breakfast.....